Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Many Years Later...

I think I have said this before, but in case I haven' mother and I have been cleaning out the home that my siblings and I all grew up in.  Well, some of them are still growing up in it, but you get my drift.  Because of aforesaid cleaning out, many old projects have been rediscovered.  Now, if there is one thing you must understand about my family, it is this cardinal rule:  Never, ever get rid of a project.  Always, always keep it in the hopes that you will one day have the time, or the inspiration, or the money to complete it.

So, yes.  A good part of what we have found are unfinished projects.  Lots and lots of them.  Many of them have actually been featured here on my humble little blog. 

One such project...

My mother began these placemats a long time ago...quite possibly before I could remember anything.  They were for her mother.  Through the years, we would occasionally find said placemats and I would offer to finish them for her.  And she always said she would finish them herself one day.

Well, finally, this last time around, I convinced her to let me finish them in time for Mother's Day.  It was a simple project, since she had already cut them in ovals.  It just took patience to get the lace to lay flat around the curves.

So I pinned carefully, working in a little extra on the curves...

Then I sewed slowly...

Yes, I sewed over the pins.  If you believe that is absolutely unforgiveable, you can let me know in the comments section.  I will sew over pins when it is precision work that might not come out right if the pins are removed before the sewing is completed.

And here is the finished product...

I made four - to go with the two my mother had completed years before.  And we gave them to my grandmother on Mother's Day.  I like them...maybe I will make some for myself.  My mother has lots of good creative ideas.  I inherited that from her.  I also inherited the propensity to not complete projects...

1 comment:

  1. I sew over pins all the time, but not on purpose! I also break needles like crazy!
