Sunday, December 27, 2015

Pinterest: Polar Express Ornament

It's been a long time since I've posted on this blog.  Life has been full of changes and other priorities the last few years, but it has finally become routine enough once again for me to begin crafting a little on the side.

Every Christmas I always have the best intentions of creating handmade gifts for my friends and relatives; the last few Christmases I haven't accomplished any of my projects.  This year, I was excited to finally get a few done!

I found and repinned this idea on Pinterest months ago.  My dad loves Polar Express, so I knew it would be a fun gift for him.

I spent nothing on this gift.  I found a bell in my craft stuff.  It had rust in a few places, so I used a silver paint pen I had to completely repaint it.  I did one side at a time, so it could dry and not get my fingerprints in it!  (I chose to use the paint pen instead of spray painting it because I was afraid spray paint would invade the inside of the bell and cause it to no longer ring.)

After it had dried completely, I printed the tag on cardstock and tied it on with some red satin scrap ribbon I had in my ribbon drawer.  I wrapped it in Santa paper and gave it my dad as a kickstart to our family celebration on Christmas Eve.

He loved it!