Monday, February 14, 2011

Baby Dress

My friend is about to have her first little girl, and so I started digging through my stuff to make her a baby gift.  Somehow, when it comes to baby gifts, my first thought is always "make," not "buy." would be less complicated if I would just buy gifts.  But my legacy is gifting with handmade gifts...passed down from my grandmother and mother.  Plus, it is much more fun and creative!

In my stash, I found a mint green gingham dress that I had cut out several years ago.  It was going to be a gift for someone else, but evidently, I was too busy at the time to complete the dress, so it was placed in my stash.  It was a round-yoke, cut for about 3-6 months size.  When I went to sew the dress, I couldn't find the pattern anymore.  It was an old pattern I bought from GoodWill and somehow it has been misplaced since then.  The good news was that I have sewn many dresses in this pattern, so I didn't really have to have the pattern.

I found a piece of trim in the trim scraps just the right size to go around the yoke and four matching buttons in the button box(es).  Here is the finished product:

Here is a close-up of the back: trim and buttons.

I think, with the gingham, trim, and pattern combination, the dress came out somewhat vintage-style.  What do you think?  Looking at it now, the one thing I would change would be to add tiny tucks on the sleeves, the bodice, and the bottom of the skirt.

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